petrus wandrey

In the year 1975, a young German artist from Hamburg made a pilgrimage to Port Lliat in Spain, in order to present his idol S Dali with a birthday present,"venus wind" was the title of the work by Peter Wandrey wich Dali permanently installed in his private museum(...)Dali expressed his gratitude for this spendid tribute to the suurealist movement but warned that surrealism was an invention of his generation and that Wandrey must seek a new stylistic direction for his own time. After long struggle with himself and hid environment, the German found the desired form-language-almost by chance-in the binary code. When his painting "science and beyond" was officially dedicated at New York's Fordham University in 1978, he proclaimed the movement of Digitalism. Thereby , the visual mode of the dawning computer age was elevated to a creative priciple, the pixel-as the smallest unit of the monitor screen-to a compositional device. Since then, the artist has continuously cultivated a playful and simultaneously critical relationship with the electronic media, consistenly expending his repertoire. Meanwhile, digitalized script and digitalized image have become a matter- of -fact component of our post-technological world(...)